For my beloved :33333
I love you so much it hurts :3. I want to kill myself every time I'm not with you. I think about you all of the time, even when I sleep I dream about you. >//<. I see flowers and I immediately think I want to give them to you. I see others and get disgusted by how ugly they are compared to you. You are the sun of my life. I need you to live, you give me the light to keep going<3. I could get locked up in a room with no exit no food no drinks but if I were with you I'd be happy and I wouldn’t die. You're all I need even though everything sucks I love you. You deserve everything and I'll make sure everyone who makes you sad regrets it. :3. The past four years with you were a long torture but it was the most pleasant torture I've ever went through, call me a masochist but it's true! You can hurt me over and over again and I will forever love you more than anyone else ever could, on one condition. Don't you fucking dare leave me. I'll show up at your door and slit my throat right in front of you. You'll watch me bleed, the red fluid will slowly make a puddle of leftovers of my life just so you don't forget me OwO I'm ready to do that anytime, keep that in mind. >uO If you cheat on me, I'll get revenge at all costs. You're mine and mine only<3. Your face is so perpetuated in my mind you're always with me, my love. I see you in my dreams, and sometimes I catch a glimpse of you standing next to me in real life - at school, home, sometimes even in my bathroom! You really can't leave me alone, my darling<3 You can get as distant as you want, but I know you'll follow me anywhere and everywhere >w< No one will get in the way of our love, we'll be forever together :**. I love everything about you, starting from your looks ending on your voice. I love playing with you and stealing fetuses with you just to eat them >u<. We are THE couple!!!<3!!! DNI if you think you have what we do because you certainly don't. Also I will not think about recreating the Trap for You music video with anyone else than my Hiyori so fuck off, don't you fucking dare ask me this.